Avonview Arabians continuing the legacy of Avondale Arabians
Purebred Arabians
Avonview purchased back two Avondale bred mares a couple of years ago, welcomed back a purebred filly and has retained out on lease to other Arabian breeders or riders three other purebred mares. The purebred Arabian stallion Avondale Cruise, has been used to bring in some valuable Avondale bloodlines to the current and future foals. He is now proudly owned by Avonview Arabians.
Arabian Derivatives
Avonview has retained some derivative Avondale bred Arabian Pony and Partbred mares. In line with Avondale's underlying goal I am breeding for performance and temperament.
For Sale
Avonview Arabians is expecting four foals in the 2022 season and most will be for sale. (An Arabian Warmblood, a partbred and two purebred foals.)
Currently have a pretty rising two year old partbred Arabian filly for sale